Pharmacy Scar Treatment Testimonials

"We've put in about 6 orders of ReJuveness in the last two months!"

"Now that word has gotten out that we offer it, customers are coming from all over the place to buy it! We've had customers coming from as far as 50 miles away to pick up ReJuveness! Most of our customers are pre-sold on the product before they even come into the store. They see the ad, call the toll-free number and are directed to our store. It's an easy sale on our end and it's doing very well for us." Marco Pharmacy

"We were the first store in the area to sell ReJuveness"

"" Based on our success, 18 of our stores have purchased the starter kit! We're doing extremely well with ReJuveness. As of last week we had actually sold 25 of the R48s and 2 Of the R-412s. All without any advertising by us! I first found out about it through my daughter who was in an automobile accident. She saw ReJuveness advertised in Allure and asked me to check it out. So we called and ordered one. She put it on and within a week the staple holes on her scar had practically disappeared. She was so pumped up about it she wanted a bigger size. As more people use the product I'm sure it will start selling itself." Longs Drugs

"We put ReJuveness on our skin care counter and it's selling really, really well!"

"" I have five customers especially one who has a ten-year-old scar, and I see them when I do facials for them. It's been working on their worst, red, keloid type scars. They're all very happy with their results. I've even started using it as part of a treatment with my ion machine. I use the positive charge with the ion machine and it seems to work even faster! I think it's a great product. In fact, it should be selling even faster than it's selling now!" I Lambda Pharmacy

"We've put in 3 orders of ReJuveness in only a month"

"I'm pleasantly surprised that it's selling so well!" I'm very happy to carry it. It's a big seller for us and it seems to be working very well for our customers. "Carnegie-Sargents Pharmacy

"When my customers ask me if ReJuveness works I tell them that I'm using the product and it's working for me"

"I've got ReJuveness at all three of my pharmacies here In Dallas. Even though we've only been carrying it about two months we're already selling an average of about one a day. I'm able to give my customers a personal reference on it. They want to know If it really works and r tell them it works on me and they usually wind up Buying It. They understand that It is basically a one time purchase and that the company guarantees it will work - even on scars up to 40 years old. It Is primarily due to your referrals that I feel It's selling so well. We've had one customer drive 40 miles to get it. We had another person have her mother pick it up here and mail it to her because they couldn't find It In their part of the state. Folks are definitely seeking out ReJuveness. Regards, Pro Care Pharmacy "

"We've only offered it for about a month and already we're ordering it weekly to keep up with demand! "

"Sales are going real well. Better than expected. We've only had ReJuveness about a month and we've had to restock weekly to keep up with demand. Many of these, people are new to the pharmacy. They come in looking for ReJuveness and suddenly we've got a new customer! We have the counter card set up in the durable medical equipment department. Many people ask for it at the pharmacy counter, so we direct them over there. Some people go have questions about It. We made copies of the sheet ReJuveness sent us - that seems to do it for them. We used to recommend other gel sheeting, but they're usage time is only 2-3 weeks. ReJuveness is definitely a better buy in the long run. It doesn't deteriorate and can be used over again and won't fall apart like the gel sheeting does. Most people come In asking fur it. by name. They see the ReJuveness ad in the magazines and come right in to purchase the product. All our customers are saying the product really works well. Love your product, Doherty's Pharmacy "
