
Doctors - Surgeons Scar Treatment Center

ReJuveness silicone sheeting is soft, pliable and very durable.

One sheet is all that is required for entire treatment of scarring at the wound location. Sample scar kit and information for doctors, plastic surgeons, medical professionals and skin care centers. Use our Professional Roles for scar treatment at your medical facilities. Mini silicone disks suitable to treat small round scars from chicken pox, measles, mosquito bites and acne. ReJuveness tape is specifically designed to pull gently from the skin.

Sample Scar kit for Doctors

ReJuveness sample scar kit for Doctors. Please only Doctor's, pharmacists and skin care centers may request samples. One scar kit per office please. Kit contains sample silicone sheets, product information and ReJuveness Silicone Sheeting brochures. Individual and case pricing is provided in the package. Business address is verified by ReJueveness Customer service department.

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Scar Healing Scar Healing
Scar Healing Scar Healing

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