If the tattoo scar is flat and discolored only our scar cream is required. If scarring is raised and/or indented silicone sheeting is required. For maximum results we recommend our discounted scar kits that combine silicone sheeting and scar cream for the treatment of the scarring.
General Information
Tattoo Scar Removal with ReJuveness is very effective for problematic Tattoo scars of all types. Due to large areas that can be covered by Tattoo scars extensive scarring can occur after a tattoo is removed. Discolored tattoo scars, Keloidal tattoo scars and hypertrophic tattoo scars can develop leaving an unsightly scar after a tattoo is removed from the skin.
The ReJuveness regiment is proven effective for treatment removal of your tattoo scar.
ReJuveness Tattoo Removal and Scarring.
There are three kinds of Invasive tattoo removal.
- Surgical excision
- Ablating or removal of upper skin layers through chemical or mechanical peeling (dermabrasion)
- Laser which penetrates and breaks up of the ink articles that were injected into the skin.
All these invasive methods of Tattoo removal involve the possible side effects of scarring and/ or skin pigmentation changes and infection.
- Problem scarring, hypertrophic or keloidal scarring
- Hyperpigmentation ( darkening of the skin usually temporary)
- Hypopigmentation (a lightening of the skin usually permanent)
ReJuveness Post Tattoo removal Scar prevention
A scar management regiment using ReJuveness silicone sheeting and Hyper-heal cream and started early enough (one to two weeks after removal when wound bed is dry and not infected) can prevent all problem scarring as well as preventing pigmentation changes both hyper and hypo pigmentation.
Rejuveness Post Tattoo removal treatment on existing scars
A combination regiment of ReJuveness silicone sheeting and Hyper-Heal cream will flatten and bringback to normal color problem scars that have formed. If hypopigmentation (whiteness of scar) has already formed, ReJuveness products will not help.
Invasive Tattoo removal methods
Surgical Methods:
Most surgeons caution patients that complete tattoo removal is not possible. Few surgeons guarantee complete removal. Beware if they do! This might be your first sign warning sign.
How effective the removal technique is depends on size, location, age of tattoo, colors and type of ink used.
Also be aware of the possible side effects - scarring and pain. Some of the more damaging techniques include:
Chemical Peels Trichloroacetic acids (TCA) Peels
In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The TCA treatment is a medium-depth peel. Generally, TCA peels are performed in the doctor's office or in a surgery center as an outpatient procedure. Beware of any do-it-yourself TCA kits. They are generally not the real thing and may cause long term damage. During the procedure, most people feel a brief burning sensation, followed by a feeling of numbness or stinging. After the procedure TCA peels may cause significant swelling.
If you choose a TCA peel you must be willing to accept the consequences involved in the healing process. Also this process is not recommended for people who smoke.
Significant complications with chemical peels are infrequent, but potential complications include:
- Scarring (permanent)
- Infection
- Temporary or permanent changes in skin tone or uneven tone (especially with Phenol peels). Like:
- Hyper pigmentation (a darkening of the skin, treatable in most cases with current bleaching techniques)
- Hypo pigmentation (a lightening of the skin, more difficult to treat)
After the peel be sure to use a sunscreen. It is critical that you protect your skin from sun exposure. Ask your doctor to recommend the right sun block that has UVA and UVB protection, and apply it daily.
The Laser technique is the penetration and break up of the ink articles that were injected into your skin. Much like the Fade Away Method, the ink particles that are broken up by the laser are carried away by the body's natural systems and are disposed as bodily waste.
This removal method involves the use of several types of laser or intense pulsed light therapy. Which types are used all depends on the color of ink used in the tattoo. Laser has improved somewhat over the past couple of years. It used to take an average of 2 years to remove a tattoo, and even then the process was not fully guaranteed. Although modern lasers and light systems can remove a tattoo in a little less time, this process is entirely dependent upon the laser type, number of sessions and the patient's body. At lease several treatments are necessary, even today. This procedure is performed under a topical anesthetic or with none at all. This is one of the more expensive methods used today.
This method involves freezing area of tattoo area prior to its removal. The removal technique often used is dermabrasion. As a result of freezing the skin, there is less blood loss.
This method involves removing all of the skin and the ink of the tattoo. A sanding instrument is used to "sand off" surface and middle layers of the skin. The tattoo is "sanded" with a rotary abrasive instrument in order to remove all of the skin. Bleeding is likely to occur. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic or local and oral/IV sedation. The price for Dermabrasion can range from $1000 to several thousands of dollars depending on the extent of the area treated.
The tattooed area is cut out of your skin, and the surrounding skin is sutured together. This method leaves a scar. Only a small tattoo or a small section of a tattoo can be excised at a time. A larger tattoo may require several treatments and a skin graft. If it is a large tattoo skin from another part of the body might be needed for a skin graft.