Mefix Tape 5.1 cm x 10.6 M (2" x 33') - Hypoallergenic

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Mefix tape is a hypoallergenic cotton tape that is designed to be used with silicone sheeting or wherever medical tape is required.

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  • Product Description

    Mefix medical tape is a hypoallergenic cloth tape that is designed for the use with ReJuveness silicone sheeting. Unlike other medical tapes, it's gentle adhesive enables easy daily application and removal. The tape can be worn while showering or bathing. ReJuveness medical tape is built to last and can be worn continuously without discomfort.

  • Safety Information

    Do not apply to open wound.

  • Indications

    Used to hold silicone sheeting in place while treating scars up to 40 years old when their condition involves discoloration, keloid, Hyper-pigmentation, lumpiness, itching, soreness or indentation.

  • Directions

    Simply take a pair of scissors and cut strips of Mefix medical tape to the desired length. Apply the medical tape wherever needed.

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