Skin micro-needling (derma rolling) is an increasingly common cosmetic procedure for treating cellulite. Our roller is a class 1 medical device which is simple and easy to use at home.
Cellulite is a key concern for many people. For those who don?t know, cellulite is a condition where the skin in the legs, abdomen, and pelvic region becomes dimpled. This is commonly referred to as ?orange peel syndrome?.
Cellulite occurs at any age after puberty, and women are affected to a far greater degree, it does affect men also. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite has nothing to do with being overweight. However, the diet factors that contribute to cellulite do also contribute to becoming overweight. With cellulite being the kind of condition that can affect confidence and body image, cellulite treatment is a real priority for most people.
Treatments like liposuction (surgery to remove fat) and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into cellulite) are either expensive or may produce only temporary results. Many doctors even warn that liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite because liposuction is designed to remove deep fat instead of cellulite, which is close to the skin.
Cellulite reduction with ReJuveness derma rollers are gradual and performed in the privacy of your home. It costs considerably less than alternative treatments and is a method of cellulite removal which works in harmony with your body, as opposed to taking away from it.
Using the ReJuveness derma rollers can also boost the effectiveness of anti cellulite creams. It allows the cream to penetrate the upper layer of skin, increasing the effectiveness. For an example, absorption of vitamin C cream has been shown to increase by up to 40 times after using a derma roller!
(1.0 mm) cellulite
(1.5 mm) for more severe cases of cellulite
Do not share your ReJuveness Rejuva Roller with anyone else.
Do not use this product if you have open cuts, wounds, sun-burnt skin, active herpes outbreaks, pustule acne lesions, or any other acute infection or inflammation of the skin, have a history of poor wound healing, collagen diseases, blood problems, are pregnant or lactating, are prone to keloid scarring or have diabetes. Aspirin, Nurofen, Vitamin E and blood thinning drugs all cause increased bruising and should not be taken in the two weeks leading up to treatment.
For Cellulite reduction
Micro needling device.
The instructions are to be used as a guide to getting your skin needling treatment underway. It is important to understand that while a good place to start, it is likely that you will develop your own routine in terms of the frequency and pressure of rolling.
You will find out what suits you best - if you need help at any time contact us via email [email protected] or phone (800-588-7455) we are here to suggest adjustments and help you get the very best from your skin needling experience.
The dermaroller can be used as part of a successful treatment regime for all of the following.
* Stretch Mark Removal * Anti Aging * Scar Removal including Pitted and Acne Scarring * Cellulite Reduction * Wrinkle Reduction * Hair Loss Treatments * Boosting topically applied skincare products
There are two recommended methods of using your Derma roller and if you are unsure of how to use them, follow these carefully. We update these recommendations based on the experiences of our customers ? whenever the changes occur, we update our web site. Once you have undergone a skin needling session, improvements may continue to develop for several months.
Establish a sterile environment, make sure you wash your hands as well as making sure that the body area you are about to treat is also clean. We also recommend that you ensure that the treatment area is clean and free from germs. You may wish to wipe down the area with a disinfectant (rubbing alcohol) or similar.
If it is the first time you are using your Derma roller, sterilizing before use with disinfectant (rubbing alcohol). Although most products do come pre-sterilized you should check before use.
Ensure that you have all the items necessary to begin your treatment including your derma roller, moisturizer, topicaine gel (if used), antibacterial cream (if used) and any other third party products you may require. (Such as anti cellulite cream, hair loss remedy, etc.)
This is the most common way of using the device - the vast majority of people use their roller in this manner.
Using the roller with slight pressure; roll the device back and forth four times in four directions as shown below. The treatment should not be painful and should not draw blood. You will become accustomed to how much pressure you can apply without causing any pain or discomfort.
Use the roller as part of your daily routine - you can roll every day if you wish although we recommend allowing your skin at least a couple of days of rest each week. It is possible to use the roller far less often and we suggest that fitting your sessions in with your daily and weekly routine will improve the overall experience. Note that it is not necessary to roll more than once a day.
This method involves greater preparation but only requires less frequent use of the device. It is a similar method to that which professional treatments adhere to. Treatments can be carried out whenever you have the opportunity ? we recommend monthly treatments although bi-weekly sessions are also fine. When using this method, it is suggested that preparing the treatment area before hand does achieve optimum results. This means applying a ReJuveness scar cream or ReJuveness (Claudio Memory Serum) moisturizer to the area in the days before treatment will ensure your skin is best prepared to begin the healing process once treatment has finished.
If using a numbing cream such as ?EMLA? to the area, please read the instructions on any numbing agents you use thoroughly before use. Follow the instructions above, rolling the Derma roller in different directions, applying greater pressure and/or make additional rolls of the device. (Do not overdo your rolling)
If you have followed method two, we recommend that after cleaning the area, you should apply an antibacterial cream to protect from any possible infection. (It is unlikely this will happen but it is wise to take precautions.) Apply ReJuveness scar cream or ReJuveness (Claudio Memory Serum) moisturizer after use. Remember that part of the benefits of using your roller is the boost in absorption rates of topical products. Nourishing your skin at this point can reap major benefits.
You may experience a slight reddening of the area after treatment. This will fade quickly but dependant on your method, it may last for up to 24 hours. We strongly recommend either staying out of the sun for this period or using a sunscreen to protect yourself.
Unlike other treatments, use on thinning hair will not be of benefit without the application of additional products. Use these products as directed, ensuring that you use a short needled derma roller before application (0.5mm or below)
For example - Each morning / night, after showering and washing your scalp, dry well with a clean towel. Roll the Derma roller over the scalp in one direction (and not back and forth). Apply Claudio Memory Serum to balding areas and massage into the scalp thoroughly. If you notice the scalp flaking after a few days, simply rub the dead skin away while shampooing your hair. Treat no more than once per day, 5 times per week.
Please take care when using the Derma roller on your face and never use the Derma roller on your eyes or lips.
Unless you are disposing your roller after use, when you have finished using the device, rinse it under hot running water. If you have used the roller with numbing cream, stand head first in the half full glass of disinfectant (rubbing alcohol) for approximately one minute. If you only used the roller gently, you need only disinfect the device on a weekly basis. Shake off the excess liquid and stand on a clean towel to dry. Please do not put the device away while it is still wet. When it is completely dry, put the roller away where it will avoid damage.
* Never share your Dermaroller with other people.
* Do not use a dermaroller on areas of sunburn, open cuts or other sore and tender areas.
* Do not us your dermaroller if you are suffering from active herpes outbreaks or any other inflamations of the skin.
* You can contact us at any time if you have any questions.
* We are not responsible for any unfavourable results which may be derived from improper use of this product.
Your skin is likely to redden after use. This should fade within a few hours. In extreme cases, this may last for 24 hours.
It is possible that you will experience dryness of skin after rolling. This can be accompanied with some flaking of the skin. If you do suffer in this way, stopping rolling should allow the skin to return to normal within a few days. Please use common sense in these cases - reduce the frequency with which you use the roller and ensure you are using ReJuveness scar cream or ReJuveness (Claudio) moisturizer after use. If still in doubt or the flaking continues, either stop using the roller or contact us for further support.
We’re here to listen and offer thoughtful advice for every step of your healing process.